He is still listening. Are you still talking?

People get frustrated for many reasons. One of those reasons comes from not feeling valued. How many times have you talked to someone who just was not interested in what you had to say? It may even have been someone close to you too. How did it make you feel when they weren’t listening? Silly? Angry? Unvalued? Well, God listens. God is interested. So keep talking… What do you say? Anything and everything. If you aren’t comfortable talking to God because you can’t see Him, well, try this little exercise–it may help. In a quiet place, sit down on the floor or at a table or wherever you feel most comfortable. Ask God to sit down beside you. Pull out a chair for Him if that helps. It may seem silly or strange at first, but once you get going with the conversation it becomes easier. The point is to start a conversation with God. However, the truth is that He has already started the conversation. He just hasn’t said anything because He’s listening. Try this exercise. It really works.

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